Need A Rug Cleaner in Long Beach? Here’s What Sets Us Apart


Rugs are an excellent addition to anyone’s home or workplace. In fact, they can add that perfect amount of color and style to make a room “pop.” However, it is important to know that rugs need to be cleaned every so often in order to keep their vibrant beauty alive. This statement is more accurate if you have pets, such as dogs and cats, that like to use your rugs as a personal bed. Expert Rug Spa has been around for years, and we have a proven track record that shows we can get the job done. Read on to learn how we are the best rug cleaner in Long Beach, California.

Not All Rugs Are Created Equal

A lot of rug cleaners or home remedy sprays you find online will claim to be an all-in-one rug cleaner. However, here at Expert Rug Spa, we understand that these all-in-one solutions rarely get the job done. There are dozens of different types of rugs that you can get for your home, so it stands to reason you need dozens of different cleaning methods. When you send your rug to Expert Rug Spa, our team of experts will examine every stain and fiber. Once your rug is adequately inspected, we will create a cleaning plan that is unique to your rug. Our satisfied customers all agree that our method of cleaning works every time.

An Industry-Leading Process

In order to properly clean a rug, you need to take the time and care to make sure you understand the material and choose the correct process. We achieve this goal by using our years of experience and extensive education in the field. After determining the fiber content and construction type of your rug, we then take into account certain stains or problem areas. First, we remove any dry soil that may be embedded in the rug with a thorough dusting. Second, depending on what your rug needs, we will wash it with the correct solution and then rinse to ensure none of the solution is left behind. Next, we send the rug for a spin in our centrifuge. After that, your rug hangs to finish drying. Finally, we perform a final inspection to make
sure it lives up to our world-class standards.

We Care About Customer Service

We don’t just want to give you industry-leading rug cleaning service. In addition, we also want you to enjoy the process. Here at Expert Rug Spa, we believe that if you treat the customer right, they will continue to come back. Because of this, we offer an above-average customer service experience for all our clients. We provide several convenient ways for you to contact us. Also, we’ll keep you informed on the status of your rug.

The Best Rug Cleaner in Long Beach

Instead of listing more reasons we are the best rug cleaner in Long Beach, we are ready to prove it to you. Call or visit our website today to learn how Expert Rug Spa can save you both time and money.  


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