Clean is Healthy.

We live in unusual times. Everybody is tired of hearing it, so lets talk about something else. Let’s talk about something that was true before all this started.

Air pollutants

Your house is its own environment, even a small ecosystem. Air moves through your home in a certain way. Here in Southern California, that air is not clean. We have exhaust from freeways, planes, and helicopters. Dust is always blowing around, after all, we live in a desert. All of this is moving through the air in our homes. That means we inhale it when we breath. But fear not! There is hope!

Your largest air filter

Sure your central system probably has a good filter on it and that is good. But if your house is like mine, we spend a lot of time enjoying our fantastic weather. My windows and doors are always open! That lets the dirty air right in. You may think we are sunk but that’s not the case. Your furniture fabric and the batting inside can trap some of those pollutants. Your rugs and installed carpet will trap even more. With these items filtering out the air, the good news is you aren’t breathing so much of it anymore. Now you think, “gross, I’m sitting on that!” or “My kid is crawling on that stuff!” This time you are right. We can help.

Change that filter

When furniture, carpet, and rugs are professionally cleaned or washed, we remove those pollutants from the environment in your home where they were trapped. Also, with that gunk gone, there is more room to trap new particles in your textiles. The air in your home will stay cleaner longer! Call today to set up an appointment!

Back to the present

We can choose to ignore current events for a while, but it’s not good to do it for long. Infectious disease is on our minds, and protecting those we love has become a source of fear and headache for us all. Everything I just described about trapping pollutants, cleaning them out, and having a healthier home can also be said for viral contamination. I can’t promise you we will remove every danger that is present but with our ammoniated solutions and 190 degree or hotter rinse, we can definitely help keep your home not only clean but healthy as well!

Want to learn more? Contact Expert Carpet Care now.


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